![Sperm donors. 8/24](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/db19485baf26ae2f52c10a0edd551c7e8f5407fb184351648430683c1e2ed560/letter-for-website1.jpg)
![Egg donors. 14/24](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/bb8a5b121c8a21194705b20fc5a607139f4f02fab24a819aa2dc21a184c22569/letter-for-website2.jpg)
(work in progress)For some women motherhood is a powerful desire. Today infertility rates have increased and women are waiting longer before attempting pregnancy. Therefore, more and more babies are born through Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), making fertility treatments a part of our daily lives. Since the first test-tube baby in 1978 there has been more than 8 millions births conceived through fertility treatments, yet the main conversation around this topic remains on the political and ethical controversies. Heterosexual couples, same-sex or single women, who should have access to the treatment? This is an ongoing battle deferring dramatically from country to country. However, what is it like to actually go through any of these treatments? How does it personally affect them on a psychological, physical and emotional level? The aim of this project is to focus on the intimate story of the women who impart on this journey. It’s an inward dive into the self-reflective aspect that women take on, illustrating their emotional rollercoaster ride. Some are successful, some are not, some give up after the first try, and some insist and try several treatments. No matter their situation, perseverance or results, they all agree that it has been one of the most difficult experiences they have done in their lives.This video was used for the succesful indiegogo campaign to raise fund for the post-production, which we are currently in.
Volviendo a la Tierra (Returning to Earth)
(work in progress)“Volviendo a la Tierra” is a documentary, currently in post-production, that combines the traditions of mythological tales with the search for a life in harmony with our planet. It is a story about the discovery of oneself, through the reconnection with nature, exploring different ways of living, which are more in balance with our environment. It is a spiritual adventure, in a world full of myths and symbology, where we accompany an animated fox, who in her quest encounters various characters from the desert, which point out different ways of how to interact with our natural environment in a more harmonious way. The fox represents ones inner quest to find this balance on a personal level, while the animated mythological beings represent individuals from Baja California Sur, who exemplify ways of living closer to the earth, returning to ancient practices with permaculture approaches. Each of the interviewees are people of diverse origins who have decided to create a change in their lives, their communities, and the environment, where our planet is better respected and cared for. "Vovliendo a la Tierra" is a documentary that gives an introduction to the world of sustainability and permaculture in order to inspire and open the collective and self-dialogue, how a change can be generated, creating more harmony in our lives and with our environment.
The style of the animation changed since the indiegogo campaign, here are some updates of what it looks like now:
Funded by:
![Aqui estoy. Transparente, con cicatrices, con miedos, pero lista, lista para amar y ser amada. 1/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/f93d03e3959f3a9233002bab4c71861d3eb97e5ca12c2f5044fc7d6550e07f30/FrustS-1.jpg)
![Tranquilo. El so Brilla. Los siclos continuan, no hay que olvidar que la vida es hermosa. 2/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/964a1733037e24b05d7623f46772abb0580aa5f881f24ad989d9c15bab732f96/FrustS-2.jpg)
![Soy vunerable. Me an herdio y he herido, a veces he queirdo retraerme del mundo, refugiarme dentro de mi, donde es seguro, sereno y a pax. Pero a pesar de todo, mi curiosidad y cariño me mantienen atenta, abierta al universo. Abierta a la experiencia, con la esperanza de encontrar e lamor, la verda y el lograr hacer una differencia para todos. 3/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/6325e03077107b03db3d8a96c1ce0516f60e61760ce3fcf9518da731a50bf52a/FrustS-3.jpg)
![A veces la mejor manera de soltar es a travez del dolor. 4/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/28df76efce1027ad3c2c68e8682658b48eafd382b17773363915abb699b6d168/FrustS-4.jpg)
![Preparate, agara fuerza, demustrale al mundo que tu no estas aqui para seguir con esos patrones agotadores, estas aqui para romper con ellos, encontrar la verdad atravez de la transparencia. 5/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/52f6a3b8887bb2ea9befd500358524fa84c1eb201dea3f4f2788d95e3018a776/FrustS-5.jpg)
![Cuando no estoy lista, se me olvida y me lo guardo, rayando la misma herida una y otravez. 6/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/145bf89c4d61f65d566fd99093251672633e1f2b066d62ff0d5f91985aba630a/FrustS-6.jpg)
![Pero no olvides la fuerza que has fabricado. 7/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/2fdf253dfddd457c46a48880754ae6fa3bd309127ed7633caaceb2ff16a6c08b/FrustS-7.jpg)
![Explota de vez en cuando, sacalo. 8/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/612b6da02e219d042e6b52c1fdc49ac25febede7dbe8c9d9ebe6b42b29a1f7a7/FrustS-8.jpg)
![AAAAAAHHHHHHHHG..... 9/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/dec6706623bb027c6dc4eb8ecfbb807d44d2c555849218031b0b66b6e2489194/FrustS-9.jpg)
![Despues de mucho trabajo y esfuerzo tratando de alcanzar algo, te das cuenta que ni valio la pena y sigues igual o mas frustrada. 10/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/ee9f2a547669faab2a24f4b0a75babcf8ba476a4cf912f5e29bb55c759c07efb/FrustS-10.jpg)
![Escucha, el ruido repetitivo de un proyector de cine antiguo, prendido a alta velocidad. No te distraigas, el pensamiento ruminante es agotador, no se calla. 11/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/7da6bc033692b5846e54318a7818d4eda4ef83e563e48363015850568b8a7b68/FrustS-11.jpg)
![Siempre va haber mucho ruido, mucho estres, mucho pasando a tu alrededor. 12/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/022ae8e4f3021dc4bc086b934783b3ba3e7f42b7a36dfe1626c6185e0c4d72e3/FrustS-12.jpg)
![Ay... respira, descansa, no te agotes, no olvides lo importante, no ignores las sensaciones sutiles. 13/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/dec37ce01af386a4734cd996f01c07706a2c3930db98358b62d17cd7f2f4fd6b/FrustS-13.jpg)
![No sueltes la sensibilidad, pero aprende a surtir entre los ruidos y las sensaciones de la vida. 14/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/4dc1e01f317b5f54b34cfc35bef2614a0e0b5e4dcfb3991920803c20f1005ac7/FrustS-14.jpg)
![No te ensierres, no te conusmas, no permitas que el ruido y el estres de tu alrededor se alimente de tu paz y tranquilidad interna. 15/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/ef53e8d87ec106a013fe663669c485a83db36baef2d60d7da64c851d47665254/FrustS-15.jpg)
![Te veo, te siento, ccrea y fijate en lo que se quiere esconder. 16/16](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/8508ca66552b74e2d76081cc738ff8c69db3903f8ff6249d30241ccd026e6e54/FrustS-16.jpg)